As a part of my typography course, I’m having the chance to create my own typeface. It is a dream for any graphic designer to go through the overall process of making typeface that can serve a selective fields especially in art. When it comes to typefaces styles we cant find the Arabic version of that typeface. Both Arabic and English have a wide range of forms and shapes which its difficult to create a bilingual typefaces. Furthermore, I always get intrigued with modern architecture around the world. The structure that most architecture has is the origami shapes that symbolize contemporary style.
Typeface usage and appearance is very important because every design should consider even before sketching. What I’m trying to create is a typeface that will appear in art galleries, public spaces and print. For the usage it will be for graphic designers, university students, art magazines and online.
Because am taking a contemporary approach with the typeface, I will be developing the best solutions in how typefaces are similar in both Arabic and English. Arabic has different characteristics from the English typeface. For example, the Arabic has more curves and dots that needed to appear in certain alphabets. Besides English has an easier form that can be developed into the origami style.
I started looking for more visual sources that can help in my development process by using books, magazines and search engines. Here are some inspirational images that I collected.

Finally I got to finish my typeface “ABSTRACT آبستراكت”. This post I will take you though my process of making the typeface and will show you the difficulties i’ve face during my process. Firstly I started sketching the alphabits by using the dot grid, here are some of my sketches.

Then i’ve started constructing the font digitally to help me in creating the alphabets in order. After finishing all my base alphabits, then downloaded the font to my computer and printed them all to for revision and correct the errors to give them same look and feel.

I’ve fixed all errors and re-downloaded the font file into my computer and started to create outlines based on triangle shapes by using adobe illustrator.

Last step The specimen sheets the shows all alphabets in CAPs and lower case + for the arabic in different forms.

Final Presentation